
Twitter’s New Headquarters in San Francisco

For those of you who follow us on Twitter ( you can follow us on Twitter here – @freshome) this might be an interesting post because Twitter moved into a new, much larger office in San Francisco. The space, which was previously Bebo’s SF office, is right around the corner from their old one. The space was decorated by a few members of the Twitter team with a number of Twitter-themed elements like birds and @ symbols. The space is simple and clean, but I think that you should check out some of the pictures that were posted to the web by Twitter employees below and say what you think about the new offices in a comment below. – Photos via Twitter Flickr Account

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twitter new offices1 Twitters New Headquarters in San Francisco

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twitter new offices9 Twitters New Headquarters in San Francisco twitter new offices8 Twitters New Headquarters in San Francisco

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twitter new offices4 Twitters New Headquarters in San Francisco

twitter new offices3 Twitters New Headquarters in San Francisco

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This is a post from the Twitter’s New Headquarters in San Francisco


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